A Nationwide Lockdown will come into effect at 24h00 on Thursday 26 March 2020 and will last for 21 days, until 16 April 2020. This lockdown means that every South African must stay at home and that non-essential services will be closed during this time. In the same brief, the President exempted essential services from the lockdown, which should continue to operate. One of the categories exempted includes “those involved in the production, distribution and supply of food and basic goods…” The President has further declared that such business will remain open.

As a National Public Entity, the PPECB delivers mandatory Inspection, Cold Chain, Food Safety and Analytical Laboratory Services for the Perishable Produce Export Industry and will therefore continue to do so during the lockdown period. Additional measures to ensure the safety of employees and clients will be introduced. Such measures include but are not limited to the wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the use of hand sanitizers, the completion of questionnaires for all visitors to offices, reduced travelling and working from home, where possible.

All PPECB operational offices will remain open, however in rare instances they may operate with a reduced staff compliment. Inspectors will work from home and only stop by the office when needed. Administrative and support services staff that can work from home will do so. All staff will however be available on their mobile phones and e-mails. Please refer to the document attached for all emergency contact numbers.

Notwithstanding the above, the PPECB assures you that all essential PPECB services will continue uninterrupted. The relevant contingency plans will be activated in the event where we suspect any of our staff have been infected or been in contact with someone infected with COVID-19.

Please contact PPECB via email communications2@ppecb.com should you require more information.