The Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act No. 53 of 2003 (as amended Act No. 46 of 2013) and Codes of Good Practice provide the overarching legislative framework for economic transformation in South Africa. Furthermore, the AgriBEE Sector Code (8 December 2017) was developed as a strategy and enabler for economic transformation in the Agricultural Sector. The AgriBEE Sector Code is the relevant code of good practice for agriculture, and it is applicable to the whole agricultural sector.

In terms of section 10 of the B-BBEE Act, all government departments are expected to implement B-BBEE and relevant codes of good practice. In addition, the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) (the DAFF) Directorate: B-BBEE Charters Compliance developed an Enforcement Measures Plan during 2014/15 for the alignment of services to the AgriBEE Sector Code. Alignment of services are in line with section 10, which states that all government departments and relevant entities must include B-BBEE criteria when allocating licenses, issuing certificates and permits, authorizations, approving grants for funding projects etc.

The AgriBEE Enforcement Guidelines were developed against the background of amendments to the B-BBEE Act and Codes. In terms of these guidelines, the PPECB is compelled to ensure that a B-BBEE verification rating is done in terms of the Scorecards for Specialized Enterprises, as per Gazette Number 38766.

All PPECB clients are therefore kindly requested to submit a copy of a valid B-BBEE certificate to their local PPECB office by 1 December 2021.

For contact details of your local office please visit

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