It is with great pride that the PPECB wishes to announce its receipt of a certificate of recognition from the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) in acknowledgment of the PPECB’s record of clean audits for 5 consecutive years.

The certificate, received by Aneesa Moosa-Camroodien (Financial Accountant: PPECB), was presented to the PPECB on 29 November 2016 at the 2015-16 PFMA Audit Outcomes Feedback Session in Illovo, Sandton.

In addition to the hand-over of the certificates, the event sought to provide attendees with an overview of the key findings from the Auditor General’s report for the 2015-16 financial year for the Departments and Public Entities and provide a platform for discussion regarding interventions that can assist in improving the audit results.

Johan Schwiebus, PPECB Chief Financial Officer, stated that the recognition from SAICA is highly appreciated and is testament to the emphasis the organisation places on sound financial management practices. “This, combined with an effective strategy, capacitated staff and a commitment to compliance and procedures are the critical success factors that have led to the PPECB’s achievement of this noteworthy accolade” he states.

